21 day audio programme

This programme gives you everything that you need to de-stress your life.

You will move quickly out of stress and into bliss…

21 Days, 21 Solutions for just £21!

Buy it now and make a difference to your life today!


Each day you will receive an email with an audio for a different topic

Listen in, tap along and bring change to your life quickly and easily. You will have a library of resources that you can use at anytime.

Your audios include:

  • Grounding

  • Reducing Stress

  • Calming Anxiety

  • Controlling Panic and Overwhelm

  • Negative Self-Talk

  • Taking Responsibility

  • Blasting Procrastination

  • Clearing Cravings

  • Releasing Physical Pain

  • Transforming “I’m not good enough”

  • Fear of Public Speaking

  • Building Boundaries

  • Energy Booster

  • Sleeping Soundly

  • Difficult Memories

  • Worry About What Others Think

  • Resolving Conflict

  • Tapping For Others

  • Appreciation

  • Follow Your Dreams

Praise for the programme

Thanks for the audio recordings, they are extremely helpful. 

I had a nervous breakdown last year and am still recovering from it and have tried a few things to help me get back on my feet. I am a father of two and my family relies heavily on me and I am desperately seeking all help and support I can get to help my recovery. 

I have never tried anything like this before and it certainly works for me. 

It is such a relief to know that I can rely on your audios to help me get through in life. 

I am not able to work through them daily but they are all essentially very relevant for my condition.

Thank you very much.
— SA
The 21 day course was excellent...

It was great to get a focus for tapping and to see what comes up for different subjects. I especially like the anxiety one and find it useful.

Thanks for offering the course, I’ll be using it many times
— LS

Purchase the programme today